Soundboard by Blackstream - Find What Works
Soundboard provides companies, executives, entrepreneurs and investors the ability to bounce ideas off seasoned advisors who can help sort thru alternatives, viability, structure and next steps in a simple, discreet and confidential manner.
Clients from around globe come to Blackstream to test out their ideas, refine the raw materials into finished concepts ready for prime time in their boardrooms, investor pitches, marketplace and within the larger team. We help ensure that only the best ideas make it out of the soundboarding process so that they can handle any line of questioning, analysis or competition.
Successful executives, entrepreneurs and investors understand the importance of systematically developing well thought out ideas with trusted outside advisors to maximize the profitability, competitive advantage and overall position. Groupthink, closeness to the business, unsurfaced biases and numerous other issues are systematically rooted-out, controlled and channelled effectively with Soundboarding.
If you would like to discuss how your company would benefit from Soundboard Sessions contact us below to schedule a call.
About Blackstream
At Blackstream, we help clients develop Evolutionary Ideas to power their business models, culture, products, services and their thinking to navigate the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Our clients include startups, established companies, and professional investors seeking to make the best and most lucrative decisions.
Blackstream is based in New York City and San Francisco.